
082_Single-Pass Measurements in Atomic Force Microscopy: Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Local Dielectric Studies

Sergei Magonov, NT-MDT Development Inc. 416 W. Warner Rd. Tempe AZ USA

Application Note 082
(pdf 3.8 Mb)

083_Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in Its Applications

Sergei Magonov, NT-MDT Development

Application Note 083
(pdf 12.4 Mb)

084_Exploring Materials with AFM-based Electrostatic Modes

Sergei Magonov, NT-MDT Development

Application Note 084
(pdf 9.7 Mb)

086_Visualization of Surface Nanostructures and of Morphology

Sergei Magonov, NT-MDT Development

Application Note 086
(pdf 6.0 Mb)

087_Expanding Atomic Force Microscopy with HybriD Mode Imaging

Sergei Magonov, NT-MDT Development Inc.

Application Note 087
(pdf 9.0 Mb)

088_High-Resolution Imaging in Different Atomic Force Microscopy Modes

John Alexander and Sergei Magonov NT-MDT Development Inc. Tempe AZ USA

Application Note 088
(pdf 2.7 Mb)

089_Characterization of Materials with a Combined AFM/Raman Microscope

Marko Surtchev, Sergei Magonov and Mark Wall

Application Note 089
(pdf 3.3 Mb)

090_Quantitative Nanomechanical Measurements in HybriDTM Mode Atomic Force Microscopy

Sergei Magonov, Marko Surtchev, Sergey Belikov, Ivan Malovichko and Stanislav Leesment

Application Note 090
(pdf 2.7 Mb)

091_Solar Cell Diagnostics by Combination of Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy with Local Photoexitation

A.V.Ankudinov Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Application Note 091
(pdf 2.6 Mb)

092_AFM-Raman Characterization of Pharmaceutical Tablets

Sergey Shashkov and Pavel Dorozhkin

Application Note 092
(pdf 2.9 Mb)

093_AFM – Raman Characterization of Li-ion Batteries

Sergey Shashkov and Pavel Dorozhkin

Application Note 093
(pdf 3.3 Mb)

095_Exploring Imaging in Oscillatory Resonance AFM Modes: Backgrounds and Applications

Sergei Magonov, Sergey Belikov, John Alexander and Marko Surtchev NT-MDT Development Inc, Tempe AZ, USA

Application Note 095
(pdf 5.0 Mb)