Interdisciplinary research at the nanometer scale: AFM + Confocal Raman + SNOM + TERS

Integration of SPM and confocal microscopy/Raman scattering spectroscopy. Owing to Tip Enhances Raman Scattering it allows carrying out spectroscopy/microscopy with up to 10 nm resolution.
NTEGRA Spectra – AFM / CONFOCAL RAMAN & FLUORESCENCE / SNOM / TERS (Nano-Raman)Integration: The key to the new sciences
Change happens at interfaces and today’s most exciting changes in microscopy are happening where multiple technologies are interfaced together. NTEGRA Spectra is a prime example, uniting the full power of atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal Raman and fluorescence microscopy and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) in one platform.
Different configuration of AFM with confocal Raman/Fluorescence microscope

A unique configuration for simultaneous AFM – Raman – TERS* and SNOM imaging of opaque samples
*TERS: Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering, Tip Enhanced Fluorescence etc.

Optimized for simultaneous AFM – Raman – TERS* and SNOM imaging of samples on transparent substrates (living cells, nanoparticles etc.)

Side illumination option
Used to facilitate TERS* measurements on opaque samples

Fiber Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM)
SNOM techniques based on on quartz fiber.

Cantilever Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM)
SNOM techniques based on cantilevers with aperture.
- Atomic Force Microscopy ( 30 modes )
- Confocal Raman / Fluorescence / Rayleigh Microscopy
- Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy ( SNOM / NSOM )
- Optimized for Tip Enhanced Raman and Fluorescence (TERS, TEFS, TERFS) and scattering SNOM (s-SNOM)

- AFM (mechanical, electrical, magnetic properties, nanomanipulation etc.)
- White Light Microscopy and Confocal Laser (Rayleigh) Imaging
- Confocal Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Confocal Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM)
- Tip Enhanced Raman and Fluorescence Microscopy (TERS, TEFS, TERFS)
Controlled environment:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Gases
- Liquid
- Electrochemical environment
- External magnetic field
– Confocal Raman/Fluorescence microscopy – AFM/STM: Integration with spectroscopy – Software – Spectroscopy – Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) – Optimized for Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS) and other tip-related optical techniques – (S-SNOM, SNIM, TEFS, STM-LE etc.) |
Confocal Raman/Fluorescence microscopy – Confocal Raman/Fluorescence/Rayleigh imaging runs simultaneously with AFM (during one sample scan) – Diffraction limited spatial resolution: 200 nm in XY, 500 nm in Z (with immersion objective) – True confocality; push button from software to control the motorized confocal pinhole for optimal signal and confocality – Motorized variable beam expander/collimator: adjusts diameter and collimation of the laser beam individually for each laser and each objective used – Full 3D (XYZ) confocal imaging with powerful image analysis – Hyperspectral imaging (recording complete Raman spectrum in every point of 1D, 2D or 3D confocal scan) with further software analysis – Optical lithography (vector, raster) |
AFM/STM: Integration with spectroscopy – Upright and Inverted optical AFM configurations (optimized for opaque and transparent samples correspondingly); – side illumination option – Highest possible resolution (numerical aperture) optics is used simultaneously with AFM: 0.7 NA for Upright, 1.3–1.4 NA for Inverted – AFM/STM and confocal Raman/Fluorescence images are obtained simultaneously (during one scan) – All standard SPM imaging modes are supported (30 modes) — combined with confocal Raman/Fluorescence – Low noise AFM/STM (atomic resolution) – Vibrations and thermal drifts originating from optical microscope body are minimized due to special design of optical AFM heads – Focus track feature: sample always stays in focus due to AFM Z-feedback; high quality confocal images of very rough or inclined samples can be obtained |
Software – Seamless integration of AFM and Raman; all AFM/ Raman/SNOM experiment and further data analysis is performed in one and the same software – Powerful analysis of 1D, 2D and 3D hyperspectral images – Powerful export to other software (Excel, MatLab, Cytospec etc.) |
Spectroscopy* – Extremely high efficiency 520 mm length spectrometer with 4 motorized gratings – Visible, UV and IR spectral ranges available – Echelle grating with ultrahigh dispersion; spectral resolution: 0.007 nm (< 0.1 1/cm)** – Up to 3 different detectors can be installed – TE cooled (down to -100 ºC) CCD camera. EMCCD camera is optional — for ultrafast imaging – Photon multiplier (PMT) or avalanche photodiode in photon counting mode – Photon multiplier for fast confocal laser (Rayleigh) imaging – Flexible motorized polarization optics in excitation and detection channels, cross-polarized Raman measurements – Fully automated switch between different lasers — with a few mouse clicks |
Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM)* – Two major SNOM techniques supported: (i) based on quartz fiber probes, (ii) based on silicon cantilever probes – All modes supported: Transmission, Collection, Reflection – All SNOM signals detected: laser intensity, fluorescence intensity, spectroscopy – SNOM lithography (vector, raster) |
Optimized for Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS) and other tip-related optical techniques (S-SNOM, SNIM, TEFS, STM-LE etc.) – All existing TERS geometries are available: illumination / collection from bottom, from top or from side – Different SPM techniques and TERS probes can be used: STM, AFM cantilever, quartz tuning fork in tapping and shear force modes – Dual scan (for Hot Point Mapping in TERS): scan by sample AND scan by tip / by laser spot – Motorized polarization optics to produce optimal polarization for TERS |
AFM-Raman measurements can run in air, in controlled atmosphere or in liquid — all with variable temperature (for Inverted configuration) – Some features listed are optional — not included into basic system configuration |
* NT-MDT AFM can be integrated with Renishaw inVia or with NT-MDT spectrometer. Specifications are given for the latter. Renishaw specifications can be found at www.renishaw.com/AFM-Raman
** Exact value of spectral resolution highly depends on how “resolution” is defined